Lilley of The Valley Alley
The project was conceived as a part of 90th anniversary of Gorky Park, and is dedicated to the famous Landyshevaya lane, once existed in Gorky Park. On the new Lily of the Valley alley we redefine the shape of the flower and connect it with modern technologies. On the site there are objects-flowers of lilies of the valley. They can be located on a branch-rod or simply lie on the ground. It can rotate around the fastening axis. People can find a shelter from the sun and rain in it . Such a flower can be a small scene. Such lilies-of-the-valley can make different sounds - laughing, crying, reading poetry, being just columns-amplifiers of the sound of music from our little stage. A motion sensor can be built into the object so that the flower can "speak" to a person only when the one approaches closely, and also stops talking when a person walks away.